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The two monks

Posted by Christopher Dormia on Wednesday, September 30, 2009,

September 29, 2009

Today's story is about two monks.  In their religion, they believed that a monk should never touch a woman. One day they were walking down by the river and came across a woman who asked for help.  She had to cross the river but didn't have a boat and wasn't able to walk across as the current was very stong.  She asked if one of them would help carry her across.  The older of the two monks accepted and placed her on his shoulders and struggled across the river.  A few times...

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Enjoy and live in the moment...

Posted by Christopher Dormia on Wednesday, September 30, 2009,

September 27, 2009
After not winning the lotto, like most others, we continued to thank God for everything that He has already blessed us with.  We were a little disappointed but continued to believe that He has something great planned for us and will help lead us to it.

So God, thank you for this day and for all your blessings that you have given us especially your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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